“Shadow People” Author at Rancho Calaveras clubhouse

How Meth-driven Crime is Eating at the Heart of Rural America


Author Scott Thomas Anderson visited the Rancho Calaveras club house on Thursday September 20th to talk about his book “Shadow People” and answer questions from local Rancho residents about the subject of Meth addiction and how it affects the increasing crime rate we have seen.

Scott is a nationally recognized author who has won several prestigious literary awards for his excellent work as a crime reporter and author.

Scott Thomas Anderson website click here

There were also members of our local Sheriff’s department on hand to answer questions from the public about what is being done and what can be done to help our community with regards to this serious addiction issue that impacts every member of our community in one way or another. Some people made commitments that night to be a part of, or organize if necessary, a “Neighborhood Watch” program in their neighborhoods.  

I was thankful for the opportunity to meet Scott Anderson, to hear what he had to say, to hear from one of our local Sheriff’s detectives and to see so many members of our local community show up to listen and see what it was that they could do to help. I didn’t ask the official head count, but I know there were at least 30-40 people there.

Special Thanks also goes to the Rancho Calaveras clubhouse board and staff for hosting this special event.




About CalaverasKid

Graduate of C.S.U. Stanislaus with a degree in History and Political Science. Married to my college sweetheart for 20 years and we have two wonderful children. My "Hometown" is Manteca, Ca. and I was a Manteca Buffalo, class of 1988. I currently live with my family in the Rancho Calaveras area of western Calaveras County, enjoying our rural setting.
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