CSA 1 clarification….sort of


Rancho Calaveras

Meeting with public works on Friday went well. We clarified the $1.5 Million didn’t have to be spent. Apparently any money that is not declared “in the budget” can’t be used, or is more difficult to use if needs be, so in turn they declare as a default that all current and rollover monies are to be available by formally “budgeting” them even without a specific project mandate. Still scratching my head a little on the inherent logical or illogical nature of that line of reasoning, but we are talking about government, so I guess that explains it!

Crisis averted apparently and we had a chance to talk about future projects for Rancho Calaveras and the Copperopolis area. There are some good things coming our way. More on that soon, but suffice it to say the news is good. Stay tuned and feel free to ask questions in the comment area.

About CalaverasKid

Graduate of C.S.U. Stanislaus with a degree in History and Political Science. Married to my college sweetheart for 20 years and we have two wonderful children. My "Hometown" is Manteca, Ca. and I was a Manteca Buffalo, class of 1988. I currently live with my family in the Rancho Calaveras area of western Calaveras County, enjoying our rural setting.
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2 Responses to CSA 1 clarification….sort of

  1. Mike says:

    Thank U for keeping us in the loop, Darren,…understand your head scratching with that explanation.

    Let me ask you, sir,…do we really care how they had been doing it, (now knowing the actual sorted history of appropriations),…and acceapt that illogical rationale which baffles a college graduate?

    We would hope, and expect, Darren, that you help CHANGE any established government policies and procedures in spending our tax dollars that leave all of us scratching our heads. It’s not rocket science.

    Remember our California creedo,…”WE DON’T FOLLOW THE TRENDS,…WE SET THEM!”

    Again,…thank you for your advocacy in listing to the will of your district’s constituents,

    mike & tina neale
    Rancho Tax Payers

    • Spellman says:

      “…do we really care how they had been doing it?”

      Not really, I understand and agree with your sentiments. As promised I will advocate for common sense policies based on the will of the people.

      We are not so simple as to suppose that there is not a need for taxation, however we want to see that our tax dollars are spent wisely and on projects that benefit the greatest number of people in our community as opposed to special “pet” projects for the few, that may have the best of philanthropic intentions, are not benefiting enough people to justify the costs, as we do not live in a wealthy community.

      There will be a change in our local government through my efforts coupled with your ongoing support. As a team, we can be get this done.

      If there is any lesson that we learned in the election process, it is that when we get enough people involved, we can accomplish things naysayers would say are impossible. I think 90% of the people I spoke with during the campaign are tired of hearing why something can’t be done and would rather hear ideas on how we might be able to get something done regardless of the perceived odds against us.

      To that end I say, let’s go for it! I’m here to be your advocate and representative. Let’s start representing!

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